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  • 被伤害的英文


  • 形容一个地方漂亮的英文单词

    When it comes to describing a beautiful place, there are many English words that can be used. Whether it's the stunning natural landscapes or the charming urban streets, there is always something to appreciate and admire. In this article, we will explore

  • 比老公更甜的称呼英文

    When it comes to addressing our significant other, we all have our own unique way of expressing affection. Some couples prefer the traditional “honey” or “sweetheart”, while others have their own special nickname. However, what if you want to up your game

  • 在大树之间用英语怎么写

    When we stand among the trees, surrounded by the whispering leaves and the rustling branches, we feel a sense of peace and calm that is hard to find in our busy, modern lives. Trees have been revered for centuries as symbols of strength, wisdom, and endur

  • 在大树之间用英语怎么写

    When we stand among the trees, surrounded by the whispering leaves and the rustling branches, we feel a sense of peace and calm that is hard to find in our busy, modern lives. Trees have been revered for centuries as symbols of strength, wisdom, and endur

  • 在大树之间用英语怎么写

    When we stand among the trees, surrounded by the whispering leaves and the rustling branches, we feel a sense of peace and calm that is hard to find in our busy, modern lives. Trees have been revered for centuries as symbols of strength, wisdom, and endur

  • 每日德语听力:DailyLifeIDon'tFeelSoGoodA:Are

    音频: 练习听力建议: 1.盲听:首先听完整个音频,不要先看文本 为了更好的让大家练习听力,我把这个音频做了三遍: 第一次:慢慢播放对话,这次是为了理解文章的大意,不需要理解每一个单词,记录自己不理解的单词。 第二次:原速播放对话,比较原速下能理解多少,感受原速的节奏。 第三次


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