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  • 形容人漂亮的英语单词

    When it comes to describing someone as beautiful, there are many English words that can be used. From classic terms like “gorgeous” and “stunning” to more modern slang like “snatched” and “fire”, each word has its own unique connotation and can be used to

  • beautiful英文翻译

    As the saying goes, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. But what exactly is beauty and how do we define it? Is it just skin deep or does it go beyond that? In this article, we will explore the concept of beauty and its different meanings. From physical

  • 你非常的帅气用英语怎么说

    Asking someone how attractive they are is a tricky situation. You never know how they might react or feel about themselves. However, if you are confident enough to ask someone how handsome they are in English, there are a few ways to go about it. Let's ex

  • 加油吧骚年用英语怎么说

    Are you a fan of the Chinese catchphrase “加油吧骚年” (jiā yóu ba sāo nián)? Literally translating to “add oil, young man,” it is a popular motivational phrase in China that inspires people to keep pushing and never give up. But how do you say it in English? I

  • 形容偶像的英文句子有哪些


  • 形容少年意气风发的英文单词

    As we look at a young person, we often describe them as being full of youthful spirit. They are enthusiastic, energetic, and optimistic about life. But how do we express this in English? In this article, we will explore some words and phrases that can be

  • 别的英语

    很多人学习英语的初衷并不是为了考试或者出国留学,而是为了能够更好地和外国人交流,去旅游,或者是因为工作需要。但是在学习的过程中,我们往往只接触到了标准的英语,缺少了一些日常口语中常用的俚语或者变体。这时,我们就需要了解一些“别的 英语”,才能更好地融入英语社交中。

  • 我的男神用英语怎么说写


    me my


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