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  • 学校周围有一些树用英语怎么说

    As we all know, trees play an essential role in our ecosystem. They provide us with oxygen, purify the air, and help regulate the climate. Moreover, they also add beauty to our surroundings. In this article, we will discuss the importance of trees around

  • 学校有很多树用英语怎么写的

    As we all know, schools are not only a place for students to learn knowledge, but also a place for them to feel the beauty of nature. There are many trees in schools, which not only provide students with a refreshing environment, but also play an importan

  • 学校有很多树用英语怎么说

    As we all know, trees are not only important for the environment, but also for people's daily lives. They provide us with oxygen, shade, and beautiful scenery. Schools, as an important part of society, should have a large number of trees. In this article,

  • 学校有很多树的英文

    As we all know, trees play a vital role in the environment and have numerous benefits. In schools, having many trees not only enhances the aesthetic value of the campus but also promotes a healthy learning environment. In this article, we will explore the

  • 学校里有很多树用英语怎么说

    As we all know, trees are an important part of our environment. They provide us with oxygen, shade, and a habitat for wildlife. In schools, trees play an important role in creating a beautiful and welcoming environment for students to learn and grow. In t

  • 想考ket用什么教材


  • 学校有很多树用英语怎么写

    As we all know, trees are an indispensable part of our environment. They play a vital role in purifying air, regulating temperature, preventing soil erosion, and providing habitat for many animals. Schools, as an important place for children to learn, sho

  • 学校有很多树用英语怎么写

    As we all know, trees are an indispensable part of our environment. They play a vital role in purifying air, regulating temperature, preventing soil erosion, and providing habitat for many animals. Schools, as an important place for children to learn, sho


    第一部分 COMPLETE KET FOR SCHOOLS 剑桥KET综合教程 这里有一套新东方推出的剑桥KET综合教程,彩印,价格也不贵,不愧为众多原创英语爱好者的福音。 这本书分为14个模块,每个单元都有一个主题,涉及到KET考试的各个方面,如阅读、写作、听力、口语、发音、单词和语法。 第一单元 Hi,how are you? 这个


    第一部分 COMPLETE KET FOR SCHOOLS 剑桥KET综合教程 这里有一套新东方推出的剑桥KET综合教程,彩印,价格也不贵,不愧为众多原创英语爱好者的福音。 这本书分为14个模块,每个单元都有一个主题,涉及到KET考试的各个方面,如阅读、写作、听力、口语、发音、单词和语法。 第一单元 Hi,how are you? 这个


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