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  • 小学趣味英语广播稿纯英文

    Do you want to make learning English fun for your elementary school students? Look no further than using fun English radio scripts! In this article, we will provide you with a sample radio script that you can use in your classroom to make learning English

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  • 我的偶像六年级英语作文

    As a primary school student, I have many idols who I look up to and admire. However, there is one idol who has impacted me the most in the past six years - my English teacher, Mr. Smith. He not only taught me English but also inspired me to love it. In th

    He me
  • 关于写偶像的英语作文60字

    As the popularity of idols continues to rise, more and more people are writing about them. In this article, we will explore the topic of writing about idols in English. We will examine the different types of idol writing, the challenges that writers face,

  • 4岁的英文

    Whenever we think about teaching a child a new language, the question arises: what is the right age to start? Experts suggest that the earlier a child is exposed to a new language, the better. In fact, research shows that children who start learning a sec

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  • 一些人在砍树用英语怎么写的

    Have you ever come across a group of people cutting down trees in the forest and wondered how to describe it in English? The act of cutting down trees is not only a common practice in the logging industry but also for personal use, such as building a hous


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