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  • 追风少年的英语怎么写

    追风少年是指具有追求梦想的精神,不甘平庸的年轻人。英语中,追风少年的表达有很多种,比如Dream Chaser、Wind Chaser、Pursuer等等。无论是什么表达方式,它所代表的精神和价值观是一样的,那就是永不放弃、不断进取,追逐自己的梦想,勇敢地面对未来。

  • 关于追梦的英语小短文

    As human beings, we all have dreams and aspirations. Some of us have small dreams, while others have big dreams. No matter what our dreams are, they are an essential part of our lives. Dreams give us the motivation to work hard and achieve our goals. In t


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