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每日法语听力:DialogueA: Excuse me

来源:小编 编辑:小编 日期:2022-11-09 01:59:47


A: Excuse me. Can you tell me how I can get a subway ticket?

B: Go to the auto machine over there.

B: Sure. You need two 1-dollar coins. Put them in the slot and click the "One ticket" button on the screen. It's very easy.

A: Ok. But I don't have any coins. Where can I get some?

B: You can change some at Service Center.

A: Can they take a $20 bill? //注意:此处使用take

B: I think so. But you need to ask them.

A: Ok. I think I can handle it. Thank you very much.

Key words

auto machine : 自动售票机;auto:自动; 比如:autocar: 汽车;autonomy: 自治

slot: 插槽; 比如timeslot:时间间歇;timeslot在工作中经常使用,在预定会议时需要确定双方的时间是否可以接受;

handle: 处理;完成;这个动词经常使用,可以集中训练。



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